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インスタ映え写真 Repost – from Instagram

#Repost @wellettas with @get_repost・・・Sisters from other Misters. We could learn a lot about love and coexistence from doggies if we chose to do so ️ #whpkindness .Some unfortunate news to report about our girl Daisy. She went to the vet yesterday to have her ‘good’ eye checked out as she appeared to have an infection. It turns out she has a condition where her eye is essentially dying (Phthisis Bulbi) and the vet recommends its removal as the best course of action. Daisy is already blind in that eye, so it would not really make a huge difference for her in the sight department and aesthetics are certainly not a concern. My only worry is that her heart stopped while in surgery last year to get spayed and it was recommended to avoid additional surgeries where possible. The vet has assured us they will do all the necessary blood work as well as an ultrasound to ensure her heart can handle the surgery, so I shouldn’t stress. But I do. She’s my Daisy and it would kill me if anything happened to her. Thankfully we have a bit of time before we have to get going on this. We’ll keep everyone updated as we move forward. Happy thoughts for Daisy, please! ️#daisytheblindrescuedog #rescuedogsofinstagram …..#shihtzusofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #bestwoof #excellent_dogs #cutepetclub #animalsco #weeklyfluff #winnipeg #moodygrams #artofvisuals #dogphotography #ourplanetdaily #wildlifeplanet #rescuedogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #love #family#扎心了# #赞#▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△#instagrammablerepost AcceptingIf you wish to repost please tag "@instabae_navi" in the picture.#인스타빨repost을 접수 중입니다다시 게시하려면 그림에서 "@instabae_navi"라고 태그하십시오.▼△▼△▼△ repost受付中 ▼△▼△▼△ #インスタ映え 写真のrepostを受付中です🤗 🏝少しでも多く方に見て欲しい!🏝いいね数を増やしたい!🏝フォロワー数を増やしたい! そんな方は自慢の写真にタグ付け下さい 写真に @instabae_navi をタグ付け下さい️ハッシュタグに #インスタ映えnavi もお忘れなく ️ ※順番に投稿しておりますので少々お待ちいただく場合がございます。皆さまからのタグ付けをお待ちしております http://instabae-navi.com/▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△

Posted by Intagrate Lite

いいね ! しよう


 ⇒ インスタ映えNAVI公式アカウント:@instabae_navi

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