
Instagrammable Photo Studio

インスタ映え写真 Repost – from Instagram

#Repost @br_i_an with @get_repost・・・Humans are incredible at adapting to almost any situation. It definitely has its advantages, but I didn’t realize how powerful the disadvantages could be. -For almost 16 years, I lived and worked in NYC. When I was younger it was the only place I wanted to be. I was exactly where I wanted. As I got older and traveled more, I began to notice the longer I was away from NYC, the more I dreaded returning. -It got so bad, depression would sink in, before I even left for my trip bc I knew returning would be that difficult. It made me almost not want to go. However, about a week after I returned to NYC I felt happy again. I felt fine. Then one day it hit me, I had adapted to my surroundings. I wasn’t as happy as I could be, I had just adapted. That realization shook me. I knew it was time to go. My wife and I planned our move to Hawaii. We didn’t just up and leave, but built a plan. -This photo of @tommypierucki represents the ability to know when it’s time to walk in a different direction. A direction that makes you truly happy. ▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△repost AcceptingIf you wish to repost please tag "@instabae_navi" in the picture.▼△▼△▼△ repost受付中 ▼△▼△▼△ インスタ映え写真のrepostを受付中です🤗 🏝少しでも多く方に見て欲しい!🏝いいね数を増やしたい!🏝フォロワー数を増やしたい! そんな方は自慢の写真にタグ付け下さい 写真に @instabae_navi をタグ付け下さい️ハッシュタグに #インスタ映えnavi もお忘れなく ️  ※順番に投稿しておりますので少々お待ちいただく場合がございます。皆さまからのタグ付けをお待ちしております▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△
Posted by Intagrate Lite

いいね ! しよう

Instagrammable Photo Studio
Increase Instagram Likes and Followers with Instagram Photos!

If you wish to repost please tag "@instabae_navi" in the picture.
 ⇒[Official] Instagrammable NAVI:@instabae_navi
We will repost the wonderful instagram photos that we have tagged on the official account one after another ♪

【公式】インスタ映えNAVI 〜インスタ映え写真でinstagramの『いいね』や『フォロワー』を増やそう!