
Instagrammable Photo Studio

インスタ映え写真 Repost – from Instagram

#Repost @br_i_an with @get_repost・・・It’s incredibly easy to subjugate your critical thinking to a world view or narrative. It’s difficult to avoid echo chambers, keep challenging your world view and purposefully seek out disconfirming information that test your views. You have to think – Could I be wrong. It’s important not to anchor your identity to one ideology. This can distort your thinking, something called motivated reasoning. If you have an opinion, constantly challenge it’s legitimacy. Think for reasons why you’re wrong, not reasons for why you’re right. It’s a constant practice for all of us.


repost AcceptingIf you wish to repost please tag “@instabae_navi” in the picture.

We are accepting reposts of Instagram photos. I want many people to see it! I want to increase the number of likes! I want to increase the number of followers! Please tag the photos you are proud of. Tag your photos with @instabae_navi. Don’t forget to add #Instagram navi to the hashtag.

Since we are posting in order, you may have to wait a little. We look forward to tagging from you.


Posted by Intagrate Lite

いいね ! しよう

Instagrammable Photo Studio
Increase Instagram Likes and Followers with Instagram Photos!

If you wish to repost please tag "@instabae_navi" in the picture.
 ⇒[Official] Instagrammable NAVI:@instabae_navi
We will repost the wonderful instagram photos that we have tagged on the official account one after another ♪

【公式】インスタ映えNAVI 〜インスタ映え写真でinstagramの『いいね』や『フォロワー』を増やそう!