
Instagrammable Photo Studio

インスタ映え写真 Repost – from Instagram

#Repost @br_i_an with @get_repost・・・Underwater photography is challenging enough, especially if your breath hold is short. I teamed up with @meantraining with 2 goals in mind.. Hold my breath longer and stay calm in large powerful surf. The training is called “Drown Proofing.” Each month I receive a list of tailored workouts, then each week I meet @meantraining to train and test my progress. I began 6 weeks ago with a :52 breath hold. It’s now at 2:39. My goal is 5:00. Here’s a pic I snapped of @pray4julian in between my training sessions that he was good enough to help me shoot. Mahalo to @yoshimura.creative for helping me document the journey. I hope one day I can keep up with you underwater. Check the stories for one of the most intense workouts I’ve ever done. If you have any fitness goals in mind, hit up @rickyjuk the man behind @meantraining


repost AcceptingIf you wish to repost please tag “@instabae_navi” in the picture.

We are accepting reposts of Instagram photos. I want many people to see it! I want to increase the number of likes! I want to increase the number of followers! Please tag the photos you are proud of. Tag your photos with @instabae_navi. Don’t forget to add #Instagram navi to the hashtag.

Since we are posting in order, you may have to wait a little. We look forward to tagging from you.


Posted by Intagrate Lite

いいね ! しよう

Instagrammable Photo Studio
Increase Instagram Likes and Followers with Instagram Photos!

If you wish to repost please tag "@instabae_navi" in the picture.
 ⇒[Official] Instagrammable NAVI:@instabae_navi
We will repost the wonderful instagram photos that we have tagged on the official account one after another ♪

【公式】インスタ映えNAVI 〜インスタ映え写真でinstagramの『いいね』や『フォロワー』を増やそう!