★★★インスタ映えNAVI の【公式】Instagram チェックはココをクリック♪ ★★★


Instagrammable Photo Studio

インスタ映え写真 Repost – from Instagram

#Repost @br_i_an with @get_repost・・・Getting to hang out with so many creative and talented people was truly a creative boost. I wanted a visual of someone running across the top of the flowers and so many collective ideas went into this shot. From @ricahyokoi using his ladder and jumping to appear as if he was running across the top of the flowers, to @randomrob_ bringing the picture perfect sunflower, to @spencerlee808 suggesting Rob hold up the sunflower while jumping. After a few attempts Rob hit the perfect jump in the best light for my favorite frame. We even had a few people we didn’t know getting in on the shot. I love the feeling of this image, like something out of a storybook. It feels like inspiration to me. Check the stories for some video on how we got the shot.


repost AcceptingIf you wish to repost please tag “@instabae_navi” in the picture.

We are accepting reposts of Instagram photos. I want many people to see it! I want to increase the number of likes! I want to increase the number of followers! Please tag the photos you are proud of. Tag your photos with @instabae_navi. Don’t forget to add #Instagram navi to the hashtag.

Since we are posting in order, you may have to wait a little. We look forward to tagging from you.



Posted by Intagrate Lite

いいね ! しよう

Instagrammable Photo Studio
Increase Instagram Likes and Followers with Instagram Photos!

If you wish to repost please tag "@instabae_navi" in the picture.
 ⇒[Official] Instagrammable NAVI:@instabae_navi
We will repost the wonderful instagram photos that we have tagged on the official account one after another ♪

【公式】インスタ映えNAVI 〜インスタ映え写真でinstagramの『いいね』や『フォロワー』を増やそう!